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Your Guide to Using Your HVAC for a Better Sleep

Not everybody is able to fall asleep easily. There are a number of grouchy people across Erlanger, KY who can attest to the struggles of getting quality sleep in this climate.

Luckily, there are a few tricks residents can use to encourage their bodies to gain peaceful slumber throughout the year. By manufacturing the perfect sleeping conditions, you can wake up every morning refreshed and happy.

All you need to do is take advantage of your home’s heating and air conditioning system. Just a few small adjustments can increase your odds of successfully of falling asleep quickly and regenerating more efficiently. Here’s a guide on how to use your HVAC to get a better night’s sleep.

Cool Things Down

Best TemperatureBefore you lay down for the night, your body naturally cools itself off to make you feel more relaxed. Speed up the process by lowering the temperature in your home shortly before you slip under the covers.

Studies have indicated the best temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 67 degrees. Depending on your daily schedule, program your thermostat to cool things down a short while before bedtime.

Conditions should be ideal by the time you hit the sack, helping you fall asleep more quickly. Adjusting the overnight temperature can also help you save a bundle of cash on heating costs during wintertime. Summers might be a different story if the weather is particularly warm. Households that don’t have zone-control air conditioning may have to rely on fans to cool things down.

humidityBe Mindful of Humidity

There isn’t a soul anywhere who enjoys dealing with high humidity levels. At night, when trying to sleep, it can make the air feel muggy and hard to breathe.

It also promotes mold growth and attracts insects. Low humidity levels, on the other hand, can cause your throat to feel itchy and dry.

Humidity levels between 40-50% are best for sleeping. Achieving this is easy. Simply buy an inexpensive hygrometer so you can test the humidity in your bedroom and then find the sweet spot using a dehumidifier or humidifier appliance.

Fan Out

fanIf you want to keep cool during hot summer nights, you may want to use a fan instead of air conditioning. Fans consume far less energy than AC units and can be effective at producing a draft that cools you down.

They also circulate the air, which can feel refreshing and make it easier to breathe. As a bonus, fans can also help you fall asleep more quickly and help you stay asleep.

Listening to the hum can help induce sleep, while also drowning out any startling sounds that may wake you up. A few tweaks here and there to your home’s HVAC system is all it takes to help promote healthy sleeping patterns. These adjustments could also save you money in the long run. Sleep is key to a happy and productive lifestyle. The above tips will help you sleep more peacefully.

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